
Meet Woodcarving Illustrated at Conawago Carvers 2023!

Meet Woodcarving Illustrated at Conawago Carvers 2023!

Here’s your chance to meet the folks behind Woodcarving Illustrated magazine and get to attend fantastic woodcarving demos, see amazing work by other carvers and more.   We will be at the 31st Annual Woodcarving and Art Show & Sale, hosted by Conawago Carvers Club in East Berlin, PA.  (It’s located […]

by October 12, 2023 News
Miniature Scarecrow Ornament

Miniature Scarecrow Ornament

Quick and easy carving  adds a whimsical touch to fall décor By Gerald Smith I carve a lot of Christmas ornaments to sell at craft fairs. Recently, a customer requested fall ornaments so she could decorate her feather tree to celebrate autumn. I created a few pumpkins and some leaves in […]

by September 26, 2023 eNews: Strop Talk, Fall Carving
Painting Supplies

Painting Supplies

Accessories to help you paint successfully by Vicki Rhodes Everyone knows that you need paint and paintbrushes to paint. However, there are a variety of other useful items to make the experience more efficient and enjoyable. The following items are the ones I find most beneficial. Once you have have […]

by September 26, 2023 eNews: Strop Talk, Tools for Beginners
Deep Sea Jack-O'-Lanterns

Deep Sea Jack-O’-Lanterns

Scuba divers compete in a decades-old pumpkin carving contest in the Florida Keys By Kelly Umenhofer One day in late October, a host of scuba divers from around the USA descended 25 to 30 feet underwater at the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Clad in snorkels, air tanks, weights, and […]

by August 2, 2023 Features
Easy Stacked Pumpkins

Easy Stacked Pumpkins

Have fun carving a variety of facial expressions on these cute gourds By Kevin Johnson My family enjoys picking pumpkins every fall at a local farm. Each of us explores different themes to carve on our pumpkin. I like to carve silly faces, while my kids like cartoon characters. We […]

by August 2, 2023 Fall Carving
Woodcarving Illustrated Fall 2023, Issue #104

Woodcarving Illustrated Fall 2023, Issue #104

The Fall 2023 issue of Woodcarving Illustrated includes a variety of projects, patterns, and features, as well as interesting techniques. This issue is a part of the regular magazine subscription. It is also available from your favorite retailer or from Fox Chapel Publishing, or 1-800-457-9112. Scroll down for a sneak peek!    In This Issue […]

by August 2, 2023 Current Issue
Wonders in Wood

Wonders in Wood

Over a thousand carvers gather and showcase their work at the annual Pennsylvania event Photos by Mike Wine On the weekend of March 11, the Lancaster County Woodcarvers (LCWC) held their 48th annual Woodcarving and Wildlife Art Show, Sale, and Competition at Millersville University in Millersville, Pa. The two-day event […]

by August 2, 2023 Features
Ghost Kid

Ghost Kid

Celebrate the spirit of the season with a whimsical Fright Night carving By Tom Mellott This ghost kid started off as a sheet draped over a simple form, holding a large candy corn. Then I thought there should be some human form under the sheet. My wife suggested, “why not […]

by August 2, 2023 Fall Carving
Instagram Carving Influencer, 'Wood You Mind' Releases "Super Simple Animal Whittles"

Instagram Carving Influencer, ‘Wood You Mind’ Releases “Super Simple Animal Whittles”

Thai born, Parn Aniwat is a Texas-based artist with more than 113k followers on Instagram and one of the leaders in the new school of woodcarving movement.  Known as @wood.youmind, his creations have a modern, childlike appearance and quickly sell out when posted online.   He has just written a new how-to […]

by June 22, 2023 News
Hand-Hewn Wooden Cup

Hand-Hewn Wooden Cup

Rustic cup is traditional, functional, and sensible By Rick Wiebe I carved my first wooden cup (called a kuksa in Finland and a kasa in Sweden) 30 years ago on a backpacking trip in the northern Canadian Rockies. The cup, which I made for a friend who had lost a […]

by June 15, 2023 eNews: Strop Talk, Patterns & Projects