We hope your 4th of July weekend is full of food, fireworks, and lots of time outdoors, but don’t forget to carve out some time for yourself. Check out these exclusive FREE carving patterns (designed by Lora Irish) just in time for the holiday—because holidays should always include time spent in the workshop. Choose your favorite and let the woodchips fly!
Carving and Finishing
Transfer the pattern to the blank using your preferred method, and carve the piece using an assortment of knives, gouges, and V-tools. Take your time on the delicate areas. Sand the surface, moving up progressively through the grits until you are satisfied. You can also leave it unsanded if you’d prefer for the carved facets to show. Finish as desired—for attractive hardwoods, you could use a natural finish such as Danish oil. For bland woods, we prefer stains or thinned acrylics. Let dry and display.
Get the Patterns Here!
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