
Free Pyrography Seminar Patterns

This seminar will be an interactive message board thread where you can post throughout the day with you questions, ideas, comments, and with the sharing of your techniques and experiences in pyro.

It will be a chance for all of us – newbies through advanced wood burners – to get together, have some fun, and chat up a storm. This seminar will extend for approx. five days as there is lots to post and as I want you to have lots of chance to join in with your thoughts.

As a special treat I had the chance to speak with Pat of PJL Enterprises over the holidays. Pat is the creator of the Optima I Dual Burner system. Over the years here on the board we have taken the Colwood Burners out for a test drive in the Colwood Acorn thread and the Walnut Hollow Versa-Tool in its review. Everyone on the board has heard about the Optima but we have not had the opportunity to put it through its paces.

Pat has sent me an Optima I Dual burner that I will be using and giving you my review of how this burner preforms as we work through the steps.

Visit the seminar thread here.

Scroll down to download the full-size patterns.


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