Stop Talk - Issue One

eNews: Strop Talk

Stop Talk – Issue One

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Strop Talk!

As you know, stropping keeps your knife sharp between cuts. This quarterly e-newsletter is our way of staying in touch with you between issues of Woodcarving Illustrated. Here we share projects, features, tips, insider scoop on books and authors, club news, and more. This is also a place where we encourage you to share–whether it’s your ideas, projects, club news, or show reports, we’re always excited to hear what you have to say. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it for you!


playfulhearts Carved Hearts Project

Download this contemporary carved hearts project. These playful hearts are fun to carve and they make great gifts.


2-grizzly-bear-salmon-spirit-2-close-up Fishing… with a Chainsaw

“I like to go fishing – not with a pole, but artistically, with a chainsaw and some wood,” said Jessie Groeschen, a California chainsaw artist and author.

978-1-56523-867-1_20-minute-whittling-projects_cvr_1-001 Book Corner

Almost every book Fox Chapel Publishing publishes gets a brand new cover to showcase the best projects in the book. The editorial and design teams always have a lot of fun dreaming up cover ideas. Here’s a peek into the cover process for Tom Hindes’s new book, 20-Minute Whittling Projects.

img_2612 Show Report: Florida Winter National

Snowbirds and locals alike enjoyed great carvings at the Florida Winter National Wood Art Expo & Competition in Punta Gorda on January 9 and 10, 2016.

dayton-move-map-graphic Club News: Dayton Show is Moving

Fans of the Dayton Carvers’ Artistry in Wood show, take note: the event will have new dates and a new location for 2016.



unnamed Photo Tips

Learn the differences between image quality standards for print and for web and why it’s important to always save your photos at the highest resolution. Jon Deck discusses DPI (dots per inch) standards and walks you through the process of saving your images at the optimal size.


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