Strop Talk - Issue Three

eNews: Strop Talk

Strop Talk – Issue Three

Welcome to the third issue of Strop Talk!

We had a great time at our Open House event, held here in Lancaster, Pa., in May. Check out photos of the teachers, exhibitors, clubs, and more at Plus, look for the newsletter link to be sure you get info about next year’s show!


unnamed New Projects

Free Summer Projects: We’re delving into the archives to post patterns for some of our favorite projects from years past absolutely free of charge!

Hen and Rooster

Catch and Release

unnamed-1 Halloween Poll

Tell us what you think of America’s second most popular holiday!


unnamed-2 Woodcarver of the Year

For the first time ever, the Woodcarving Illustrated Woodcarver of the Year was announced live without the carver knowing they had been selected.


Book Corner

Go behind the scene in Fox Chapel Publishing’s book department for progress on our next carving books.

unnamed-4 Soap Dog

Have you always admired the ability to carve, but found a block of wood and a sharp knife just too intimidating? Satisfy your creative urge with a bar of soap and a few homemade wooden tools. We’ve got a project to get you on your way…


unnamed-5 Product Review

Technical Editor Bob Duncan and his assistant, Alex, demonstrate and review chainsaw carving discs for angle grinders.


unnamed-6 Volunteers

At the Fox Chapel Open House and Woodworking Show, 46 volunteers from five local organizations introduced countless visitors to the joys of woodworking and crafts. Anyone who attended the Open House could carve an owl, turn a pen, cut a simple puzzle, or make a craft for free.

unnamed-7 Photo Tips: Lighting

There are hundreds of nuances to lighting that affect photo quality. But I feel there are three major aspects to consider: temperature, intensity, and direction. Also see tips on lighting your workshop photo studio and making homemade lights.


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