Post Tagged with: "Carving"

The Votes are in for the Third People’s Choice Contest 2016

The Votes are in for the Third People’s Choice Contest 2016

Congratulations to the third winners in the 2016 People Choice Contest! The third category, announced last spring, was Chip Carving and Tramp Art: Painted and Unpainted. The entries we received varied widely in subject matter and all demonstrated creative carving. We’ll be talking to some of these carvers about sharing their […]

Hen and Rooster

Hen Relief Column By Lora S. Irish I was carving the hen board and really got carried away with the detailing.I had meant the piece to be a simple, fairly smooth, folk art styled piece but I, as always, just had to fuss it up a bit…a real big bit. To […]

by July 10, 2016 Patterns & Projects
Catch and Release

Catch and Release

By Gary Fenton Not only does it make a great gift for that angler on your list, but it’s also a great way to texturing carvings with just a few tools. After the carving is roughed-out, the details and texturing is done with only three tools. Carving the Bear and Fish […]

by July 9, 2016 Patterns & Projects
Carve Soap! It's cheap, easy, and good clean fun!

Carve Soap! It’s cheap, easy, and good clean fun!

Carving a Dog from Soap By Barbara Millikan Soap is often the first material kids (and even some adults) carve. Soap is firm but soft, widely available, and inexpensive. It doesn’t have grain and can be carved with just about anything. I designed this dog pattern and cartoon instructions, along […]

by July 7, 2016 Patterns & Projects
How to Paint the Wise Wizard

How to Paint the Wise Wizard

Set the stage for any older character with these easy painting techniques By Mike Pounders. This wizard may be small in size, but he is big on detail! So much detail in fact, we simply couldn’t fit everything in Woodcarving Illustrated Summer/Fall 2016 (Issue 76). While full carving instructions are […]

by July 7, 2016 Patterns & Projects
Welcome Sign

Welcome Sign

Add a warm welcome to your seasonal signs By Betty Padden   This scroll-style sign looks great by itself, but can also add a warm welcome to your choice of seasonal banners. You could also change it up by typing your address or another message in a word processing program […]

Carving a Snowman Sign

Carving a Snowman Sign

Betty Padden demonstrated how to paint a snowman with acrylic paints in Woodcarving Illustrated Holiday 2014 (Issue 69). In order to paint the carving exactly as Betty did, we’ve provided a downloadable pdf with step-by-step photos of how to carve the snowman along with the snowman pattern.   Materials: Basswood blank, 2″ (51mm) thick: 8 […]

Carving a Pumpkin Sign

Carving a Pumpkin Sign

  In Woodcarving Illustrated Fall 2014 (Issue 68), Betty Padden demonstrated how to paint pumpkins with latex paints. In order to paint the carving exactly as Betty did, we’ve provided a downloadable pdf with step-by-step photos of how to carve the pumpkins and the pumpkin pattern.   Materials: Pine, 2″ (51mm) thick: 8 […]

by May 25, 2016 Fall Carving, Patterns & Projects
The Votes are in for the Second People's Choice Contest 2016

The Votes are in for the Second People’s Choice Contest 2016

Congratulations to the second winners in the 2016 People Choice Contest! We are trying something new this year. Instead of running one big competition, we are breaking it into ongoing mini matches. Plus, we are offering cash prizes! Special thanks to our second contest sponsors, Chipping Away. The second category, […]

Realistic Rabbit

Realistic Rabbit

By Leah Goddard Rabbits  are undeniably cute and gentle creatures. They are quick and ever alert, which probably has something to do with their low position on the food-chain. This was made most apparent to me one day while I was sitting outside my home, and a rabbit came racing past. […]

by March 1, 2016 Patterns & Projects, Spring Carving