Post Tagged with: "Carving"

The Cat's Meow Refrigerator Magnet

The Cat’s Meow Refrigerator Magnet

Your fridge will be the cat’s meow with this adorable fridge magnet Design by David Sabol Refrigerator magnets are popular craft items, particularly those that are carved. I enjoy felines, especially when they’re up to some mischief. Going after a goldfish fits the bill. A piece of 3/4″ (19mm)-thick white […]

by February 7, 2010 Patterns & Projects
FREE Pattern: Carve This Bald Eagle Portrait

FREE Pattern: Carve This Bald Eagle Portrait

An artistic presentation flows easily with rotary bits and a good paint job By Wanda Marsh The American bald eagle is a joy to carve. An enduring and majestic symbol of freedom, the bird captures our attention whether we see it in flight or sculpturally presented at a carving show […]

by February 7, 2010 Patterns & Projects
Extreme Pumpkin Carving

Extreme Pumpkin Carving

This October, showcase your carving skills with something special for Halloween Here are ten hot tips for people using woodcarving tools to relief-carve a pumpkin: 1. For most pumpkin carvings, select a tall, elongated pumpkin because it is easier to develop the pitch of the face in the horizontal plane. […]

by February 7, 2010 Fall Carving, Patterns & Projects
All About Drawknives, Spokeshaves, and Scorps

All About Drawknives, Spokeshaves, and Scorps

Whether pushed or pulled, these tools rank high as wood removers By Roger Schroeder As a woodcarver, you know that the game plan is to remove wood. A sharp knife can’t be beat for a small project in softwoods. For large hardwood pieces, chisels, gouges, V tools and power tools […]

by February 7, 2010 Techniques
Woodburn Realistic Fur

Woodburn Realistic Fur

Burning adds realistic texture to this cute creature By Desiree Hajny Woodburning caught my attention at the first woodcarving show I participated in, back in 1982. At this particular show there were two sections, one for the carvers of birds, and the other reserved for miscellaneous carvings. I had brought […]

by February 5, 2010 Techniques
Quick Carve Spreader

Quick Carve Spreader

Carve this useful utensil out of a branch using only a pocketknife By Chris Lubkemann Most—if not all—of my carvings are done in green wood. That’s just my style and you can easily find it when camping, hiking, or even in your back yard. or this project, choose a straight, […]

by February 5, 2010 Patterns & Projects, Whittling
Carving a Caricature Colt

Carving a Caricature Colt

Simple stylized horse is easy to carve By Floyd Rhadigan This adorable little colt only requires a few tools to complete. Novice carvers can expect excellent results in a relatively short period of time and more experienced carvers can finish the project in a single day.  My first carving project […]

by February 4, 2010 Patterns & Projects
Jenga® Block Bear

Jenga® Block Bear

Simple tools and materials can produce great results By Lavonne Russell I purchased Woodcarving Illustrated Spring 2005 (Issue 30) on a whim—without any carving experience and no tools. What was I doing with a woodcarving magazine? But something about the bearded figure on the cover caught my eye. He looked like […]

by February 2, 2010 Techniques
Carver's Lapboard

Carver’s Lapboard

By Charles Brown With this lapboard, you can carve mess-free anywhere—You can take your carving out of the basement and carve in the comforts of your easy chair. Flip it over, and it becomes a handy portable writing table. The dimensions of the lapboard depend on a couple factors; I […]

by February 2, 2010 Shop Tips
Shop-Made Holding Devices

Shop-Made Holding Devices

Inexpensive methods for holding irregularly-shaped carvings By Roger Schroeder Carvers tend to be innovative—and with the odd shapes that carvings can take on, many commercial holding devices just won’t work. That is why carvers design, or adapt, their own holding devices. The variety of designs is endless, but most can […]

by February 1, 2010 Shop Tips