Post Tagged with: "magnet"

Whittling an Eagle Head

Whittling an Eagle Head

Celebrate the patriotic summer holidays with these quick carvings By Pete Zanauskas Carve these easy eagle heads to celebrate Fourth of July and Veteran’s Day. You can use a band saw to mass-produce blanks, and then carry them with you to whittle in your spare time. I turned mine into pins, […]

by May 25, 2022 eNews: Strop Talk
The Cat's Meow Refrigerator Magnet

The Cat’s Meow Refrigerator Magnet

Your fridge will be the cat’s meow with this adorable fridge magnet Design by David Sabol Refrigerator magnets are popular craft items, particularly those that are carved. I enjoy felines, especially when they’re up to some mischief. Going after a goldfish fits the bill. A piece of 3/4″ (19mm)-thick white […]

by February 7, 2010 Patterns & Projects