Post Tagged with: "photo tips"

Strop Talk - Issue Five

Strop Talk – Issue Five

Welcome to the fifth issue of Strop Talk! We are dedicated to bringing you new, fun, and informative content in each of our Strop Talk e-newsletters. Combined with our magazine, website, and online forum, Strop Talk is another way to help keep the creativity flowing and the carving knives sharp […]

by January 27, 2017 eNews: Strop Talk
Strop Talk - Issue Three

Strop Talk – Issue Three

Welcome to the third issue of Strop Talk! We had a great time at our Open House event, held here in Lancaster, Pa., in May. Check out photos of the teachers, exhibitors, clubs, and more at Plus, look for the newsletter link to be sure you get info about next […]

by October 18, 2016 eNews: Strop Talk
Strop Talk - Issue Two

Strop Talk – Issue Two

Welcome to the second issue of Strop Talk! As you know, stropping keeps your knife sharp between cuts. This quarterly e-newsletter is our way of staying in touch with you between issues of Woodcarving Illustrated. But did you know there is another way you can stay in touch with us? Come […]

by October 18, 2016 eNews: Strop Talk
Stop Talk - Issue One

Stop Talk – Issue One

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Strop Talk! As you know, stropping keeps your knife sharp between cuts. This quarterly e-newsletter is our way of staying in touch with you between issues of Woodcarving Illustrated. Here we share projects, features, tips, insider scoop on books and authors, club news, and more. This […]

by October 18, 2016 eNews: Strop Talk
Photo Tips: Composition

Photo Tips: Composition

Composition By Jon Deck Creating a well-lit, properly-focused image of adequate resolution means little if the scene you’ve shot is unclear to the viewer. The composition of your photo needs to communicate to your audience. This is especially true of photos in a step-by-step series that instructs a how-to message. […]

by August 30, 2016 Techniques
Photo Tips: Lighting

Photo Tips: Lighting

Lighting By Jon Deck Temperature This does not refer to the heat created by a bulb, but the hue or color of the light produced from a light source. The most common problem I find in a series of photos is that the color will shift dramatically from shot to […]

by July 18, 2016 Techniques
Photo Tips: New Year's Resolutions

Photo Tips: New Year’s Resolutions

(No Willpower Needed) By Jon Deck I am constantly sought out to evaluate images that are sent to us by contributors. And the first thing I look for is the resolution of the photo. Many times we receive images that are far too low in resolution to meet the quality […]

by January 15, 2016 Techniques