Post Tagged with: "power"

Choosing Power Carving Bits

Choosing Power Carving Bits

Make smart purchases with a basic understanding of the cutters available by Chuck Solomon and Dave Hamilton Photos of bits in use courtesy of Foredom This article was first published in issue 48 of Woodcarving Illustrated. In power carving, the bur or bit is the part of the tool that does […]

by October 23, 2017 Get Started Carving, Tools for Beginners
Carving Animals for Noah's Ark

Carving Animals for Noah’s Ark

Power-carve an assortment of animals two by two By Tom Hindes Thousands of men and women have probably received a rotary tool as a gift and, not knowing what to do with it, put it in a drawer. This is unfortunate because you can use a rotary tool to have […]

by July 25, 2012 Patterns & Projects, Whittling
Sharpening With Power

Sharpening With Power

Use inexpensive power tools to get a sharp edge fast By Mac Proffitt  The goal in power sharpening is the same as hand sharpening—a sharp tool. But many people find power sharpening quicker and easier. Safety When you sharpen tools with power, you generate heat, sparks, and noise. Always wear […]

by April 10, 2012 Techniques
Angel and Santa

Angel and Santa

Power carving offers many benefits and retains many of the same qualities as handtooled carvings By Jack Kochan Ornaments never seem to lose their popularity, especially ones carved from wood. The angel design, which I modified, originally came from an old magazine. The Santa was a piece of commercial art in […]

by February 14, 2010 Holiday Carving, Patterns & Projects