Post Tagged with: "woodworking"

Building a Carver's Frame

Building a Carver’s Frame

Shop-made holding fixture allows you to carve anything outdoors By Ralph Beam Illustrations by Paul Modlin  I wanted to carve outside in nice weather but needed a way to secure the blanks in a unit light enough to move from the yard to the garage. I read an article about […]

Woodcarving Illustrated Spring 2023, Issue #102

Woodcarving Illustrated Spring 2023, Issue #102

The Spring 2023 issue of Woodcarving Illustrated includes a variety of projects, patterns, and features, as well as interesting techniques. This issue is a part of the regular magazine subscription. It is also available from your favorite retailer or from Fox Chapel Publishing, or 1-800-457-9112. Scroll down for a sneak peek!    In This Issue […]

by January 16, 2023 Current Issue
The History of Romantic Love Carving

The History of Romantic Love Carving

Lovespoon carver shares the story behind a traditional token of affection By Dave Western Throughout Europe from the early 1600s to the turn of the 20th century, it became popular for young men to make and give gifts to the young women who had captured their hearts. The most popular […]

by January 16, 2023 Features, Patterns & Projects
Woodworking Club Reopenings

Woodworking Club Reopenings

Get back to making woodchips with clubs again By Kelly Umenhofer Since early 2020, woodworking groups have had to move their operations online or cancel them completely due to the pandemic. With COVID-19 state restrictions being lifted, many groups began to meet again in person. Here’s a list of clubs […]

by September 15, 2021 Club News
Custom-Build a Tilting Carving Table

Custom-Build a Tilting Carving Table

Customize an old shop bench for maximum comfort and efficiency By Jim Farley  After moving my carving stand from my workbench for the umpteenth time, I realized I needed a dedicated carving table. I spend a lot of time at my bench and would rather sit and relax while carving […]

by February 28, 2020 eNews: Strop Talk