Articles by: rottier

Photo Tips: Composition

Photo Tips: Composition

Composition By Jon Deck Creating a well-lit, properly-focused image of adequate resolution means little if the scene you’ve shot is unclear to the viewer. The composition of your photo needs to communicate to your audience. This is especially true of photos in a step-by-step series that instructs a how-to message. […]

by August 30, 2016 Techniques
Halloween Poll Results

Halloween Poll Results

Thanks to everyone who voted in our poll about Halloween. Even this small sampling confirmed our feeling that people love this holiday! We’ll definitely plan more–but not too many–spooky projects for 2018! Scroll down to see the results. Didn’t get to vote? Click here to add your thoughts! What do […]

by August 30, 2016 Features
Chainsaw Carving Discs for Angle Grinders

Chainsaw Carving Discs for Angle Grinders

You may have heard these tools referred to as “the world’s smallest chainsaws.” Watch as Woodcarving Illustrated magazine’s technical editor, Bob Duncan, and his assistant, Alex Giagnocavo, demonstrate and review chainsaw carving discs for angle grinders. Bob and Alex will demonstrate proper safety equipment and techniques, show the effectiveness of the […]

by July 21, 2016 Product Reviews, Videos
Photo Tips: Lighting

Photo Tips: Lighting

Lighting By Jon Deck Temperature This does not refer to the heat created by a bulb, but the hue or color of the light produced from a light source. The most common problem I find in a series of photos is that the color will shift dramatically from shot to […]

by July 18, 2016 Techniques
Call for Entries - Peoples Choice Awards - Ornaments, Painted and Unpainted

Call for Entries – Peoples Choice Awards – Ornaments, Painted and Unpainted

Do you have a great new carving you can’t wait to share with the world? This is your chance to show it off—and maybe collect some cash! Presenting the 2016 Woodcarving Illustrated People’s Choice Awards. Entries are being accepted until June 15, 2016 for: Ornaments – Painted and Unpainted. New This […]

by April 14, 2016 Contests

Club News: International Woodcarvers Congress: “A Woodcarving Experience Like No Other”

The International Woodcarvers Congress celebrates 50 years in 2016, making it the longest running competitively judged annual woodcarving event in the United States. “It’s the premier woodcarving competition in the country,” said the show’s chairman, Larry Yudis. “When carvers enter this competition, they know they are going head-to-head with the […]

by March 23, 2016 Features
Book Corner: Author Harley Refsal

Book Corner: Author Harley Refsal

Harley Refsal started carving in 1968, inspired by the wooden folk-art figures he saw while travelling in Norway and Sweden. In researching the Scandinavian style of carving, he found references to Axel Petersson Döderhultarn, a very well-known Swedish carver who originated the rough-hewn, or “flat-plane,” style that Harley admired. Although Döderhultarn […]

by March 23, 2016 Calendar of Events, Features
Photo Tips: Focusing on Image Clarity

Photo Tips: Focusing on Image Clarity

Focus By Jon Deck In this age of digital manipulation, the computer can enhance and correct images in many ways. However, there’s no software program that can sharpen an image that is out of focus. The only way to assure a crisp image is to take one. Almost every digital […]

by March 18, 2016 Techniques
Pyrography Frog Eye Plate

Pyrography Frog Eye Plate

Transform an ugly pine plate into a pretty piece of pyrography By Jo Schwartz Pine is great for many craft projects, but it is not ideal for pyrography. Its grain alternates between being very hard and very soft, and becomes sappy in spots when subjected to heat. However, you might […]

by March 4, 2016 Patterns & Projects
The Spring 2016 Pyrography Special Issue is Available Now!

The Spring 2016 Pyrography Special Issue is Available Now!

The latest special issue of Pyrography is the best one yet. Packed with inspiration, techniques, and projects, you’ll find yourself flipping through all 112 colorful pages over and over. Read about new artists, learn new spins on old techniques, and get some great new design ideas. Even if you’ve never […]

by March 3, 2016 Special Issues