Post Tagged with: "handmade tools"

Make Your Own Blade Handle

Make Your Own Blade Handle

By John Allard The benefits of a custom handle are enormous! You can fit the tool to the exact size of your hand, creating a comfortable grip for a safe, enjoyable carving experience. You can also extend the life of a favorite blade if the handle has become worn or […]

by February 10, 2025 eNews: Strop Talk, Techniques
Using a Carver's Arm

Using a Carver’s Arm

How—and why—to attach a project to a carving arm By Laverne “Sid” Sidler Using a carving arm has real advantages. You will reduce the risk of cutting yourself; have both hands free to control the tool, resulting in higher-quality results; be able to position the work to make difficult areas […]

by December 13, 2023 eNews: Strop Talk, Shop Tips
Building a Carver's Frame

Building a Carver’s Frame

Shop-made holding fixture allows you to carve anything outdoors By Ralph Beam Illustrations by Paul Modlin  I wanted to carve outside in nice weather but needed a way to secure the blanks in a unit light enough to move from the yard to the garage. I read an article about […]

On-The-Go Carving Desk

On-The-Go Carving Desk

Quick & easy plywood box protects your tools and contains your chips By Tom Noller  I like to take small projects with me when I travel, so I designed and built this combination travel tool carrier and lapboard. It not only holds projects, tools, and reference material, but also collects […]

by December 1, 2022 eNews: Strop Talk
Strop Talk - Issue Five

Strop Talk – Issue Five

Welcome to the fifth issue of Strop Talk! We are dedicated to bringing you new, fun, and informative content in each of our Strop Talk e-newsletters. Combined with our magazine, website, and online forum, Strop Talk is another way to help keep the creativity flowing and the carving knives sharp […]

by January 27, 2017 eNews: Strop Talk