Post Tagged with: "travel"

Mr. Vacation's Suitcase

Mr. Vacation’s Suitcase

Carve your tourist a suitcase big enough for him to travel the world with By Wayne Laramore I decided to give my vacationer from the summer issue a suitcase for traveling. Of course, it needed to be tattered and worn. Attach the pattern to blank or sketch it on, if desired. Use […]

by May 2, 2022 Patterns & Projects

Artistry in Wood 2016: New Location, Same Great Show

The staff of Woodcarving Illustrated magazine had a grand time last week at the retooled Artistry in Wood show sponsored by the Dayton (Ohio) Carvers Guild. We saw fantastic woodworking projects, learned some new techniques, chatted with friends, and shared our books and magazines with lots of visitors. After many years at […]

by September 12, 2016 Features, News